Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Amusing Self Righteousness

The Obama campaign has set up a Twitter account whereby you can rat out your fellow citizens for saying bad things about "The One."  But their linear thinking is being turned on its head by those dastardly people who they were looking to "out" and correct for misinformation.  My favorite is from the comments, (you have to start at the bottom to keep it chronological):
My Tweets so far: #AttackWatch, I'm having way too much fun watching this hashtag, for reasons I suspect you didn't expect. 10 minutes ago #Attackwatch, I'm concerned because I have friends that hopes our country will succeed, but thinks Obama has ALREADY failed. 15 minutes ago Dear #AttackWatch, just had an earthquake nearby, very scary. Please stop it. 20 minutes ago Dear #AttackWatch, I want to report the hashtag #AttackWatch, nothing but truth being told that is embarrasing to our president! 53 minutes ago Dear #AttackWatch, I want to report the ATF for selling guns to undocumented workers that didn't go back to Mexico to use them! 59 minutes ago BY Dave Klaus on 09/14/2011 at 11:23
I think that I should report myself as well.


Auntie Lib said...

My favorite so far, "#Attackwatch George Orwell's 1984 is meant to be a cautionary tale not an instruction manual."

Steve said...

Ooh, I may have to report you!

Good One!

Could you please report me too?