Sunday, November 06, 2005

Impeach Bush?

Matt at Left in the West references a poll that shows that 52% of the American people want Bush impeached about lying to get us into war.
Without going into the methodologies, questions, etc. that make a possible poll like this suspect, the interesting thing is that Matt links to it. But here are my questions for Matt: 1. What is exactly a "lie" does it differ from a mistake? and; 2. What evidence if any do you or anyone else have that shows that he did lie?
Don't tell me that he hyped the threat. He seems to have relied on the same evidence that Clinton used in 1998. Are people saying that somehow, Saddam got rid of all of his weapons in the five year period he was out from under supervision?
I still haven't seen any evidence that any intelligence was "massaged" out of context, or to make it absolutely false. And don't cite to the Downing Street memo, because of the differences in the English language between us and the originators.
Goebbels said that if you tell a lie long enough, it will become the truth. Is telling everyone that Bush lied an example of this? If so, then, I guess I will have to surrender, and the anti Bush folks can have the country they will have created for themselves.
Nah, as long as I am breathing, I still have to fight for some measure of truth.


The Viceroy's Fuguestate said...

The Big Lie is afoot. Clinton said the same things about Saddam that Bush did. As did Kerry,Kennedy, Rockefeller,Pelosi,Gore,Daschle,Blair,Putin,Schroeder,Chirac,the Mossad,the UN etc. Only Bush lied of course....

GeeGuy said...

Bush lied?